So my humans thought it was time I got given an activity toy. Something which they have read so much about. These toys reportedly keep dogs interested. "How?" you may ask.
Well, what do dogs like best in the world?
Aside from smelly blankets, shoes and socks.
FOOD of course!
So these activity toys dispenses food when the dog plays with the toy "correctly". You can think of it like a food dispensing Sudoku puzzle for dogs. I bet you are looking at your Sudoku puzzle book now wishing that it gives out ice cream sundae!
I thought my humans were being very sneaky about this. I overheard them saying that this toy should hopefully stop my random barking by directing my energy to getting the food out. Now they should know me better than that, I have a mind like a steel trap, once I focus on something I don't give up so easily...
Well, it turns out that they do know me better than I know myself. Cause I pretty much locked in on this toy. Only after I realised there was food in it of course (everybody knows I don't work for free).
Overall, I'd give this toy 2 thumbs up! hmm...or rather a high five (since I do not have thumbs!)
That's my nose in the picture, I was getting a tad impatient to get my teeth on this wundertoy
You are suppose to chew the toy such that the food passes through at the gap
Like so. (see the treat peaking out of the other end of the toy?)
So what do I do with it once I've got all the food out?
I guess I might as well rest my lil' brain