Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Remember that 1950s movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers? No? Me neither, but the name somehow struck a chord with me and I have now been labelled a Bra Snatcher. My humans often leave their clothes hanging from the clothing line in the backyard and well, when I am left to my own devices I start to wander around the garden looking for things that look misplaced.

Clothes hanging from the wash line fascinate me! I can spend ages watching them dance around in the breeze. In fact, it is only of my Top 5 things to do around the house (that sounds like a potential blog entry, Vicky's Top 5). I used to (and sometimes still do) pull my towel from the clothes line and wrap myself up in it. It drives my human crazy, but hey, it is MY towel and I have no problems with it rolling around in dirt! She really should lighten up sometimes,'d think my name is No by the way she goes around brandying that word!

I have recently decided that I need more of a challenge, any dachshund can pull a towel or trousers from the clothes line, but it would take a really agile dog to reach those socks and yes...bras. And that is what has been keeping me occupied in the last few weeks, too busy to update my blog even, I've been jumping at the clothes line and ripping apart socks and bras.

Unfortunately, there are no pictures of my handiwork as every time a discovery is made, my human insists on lots of shouting and arm waving which gets me really excited which leads me to running around the garden looking for my toys to play.

Special Announcement: (my human insist I do this here)
Sorry Aunt 1, I didn't mean to chew and swallow your sandal strap. I won't do it ever again.

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