Saturday, 21 November 2009

My Crib

There is MTV Cribs and Pimp My Ride. Since I can't really pimp up my 4 legs (which *is* my ride) I guess I can do the next best thing and show you round my Crib.

Since my last post on my crib, my human has moved it to just outside the dining room where they spend most of their time. Like they always say in real estate speak: All that matters is location, location, location and my crib trumps in the location stake!

Being by the dining room means I get to keep a close eye on my humans. It is also cooler there as that area gets more wind and to top it all up, I get fed a few steps from there (almost like room service!)

Now, to show you round my crib:

This is my humble abode

Since my humans bought it from a pet shop,
I'm sure lots of other dogs out there have a similar crib to mine.
So I just had to personalise my crib by adding some personal touches...
I chewed the entrance so now my crib is totally unique!

I've just finished eating in this picture - another plus point is I get room service!

My crib comes with a sunroof - I guess I can pimp it out afterall!

This is me peeking through the sunroof just to illustrate how cool it is!

I can also climb onto my crib, it is pretty sturdy!

But the best thing I like to do in my crib?
It is to sleep in it after my morning walk and breakfast

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