Monday, 27 July 2009

Hello World!

Me, 3 weeks ago - note the droopy ear

I really should have started this 3 weeks ago when my humans picked me up from PAWS, but they have kept me ever so busy (you know how needy humans can get). Plus typing isn't exactly easy when you do not have opposable thumbs.

A lot has happened in the 3 weeks though and I don't look like the picture above anymore. For one, my floppy right ear decided to stand up last Wednesday afternoon. The world does look like a different place now that I hear in stereo and I am only discovering the range of movements my ears can make. I also hear better when my humans call me by my name which I believe is "NO!". It is said an awful lot and mostly when I'm out in the garden playing with the variety of toys they have left for me. I especially like the shoes they wear on their feet when they are out, how quaint of them to cover their feet when they enter my play area as to not contaminate it! They also leave it out for me to try out when they enter the house.

Me, yesterday with 2 fully erect ears.
I've gone for the same pose as the picture above for ease of comparison

I've been told that I'm quick to learn and have mastered the art of Sit, Down, Roll Over and Stay all in the space of 2 weeks. In fact, I'm so good at it, they don't even have to tell me to do it - total recall when I see any treats!

I'm going to use this blog to track the progress of my humans, they are a bit slow to train (bless 'em) but I know they mean well. There is so much to teach them, the art of playing in the drain, playing in the mud, playing with the frogs, flower eating. I'm surprise that after 3 weeks they still can't do any of this. They really shouldn't feel shy about joining in and there really isn't any need to yell my name when they want to join in. I am perfectly happy to share all my toys!


  1. halo 'NO!', how did u managed to recover from your dropy ear ?

  2. I'm not sure! Must be all that yelling of my name...woke up one afternoon and my right ear just stood up. Miracles do happen!
