Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Top 5: Heroes and Sidekicks

As the saying goes, No Man is an Island. This also rings true for dogs which live in packs and for the last 3 years I've been the only dog in my pack. The addition of Pepper has elevated my ranking in the pack. Upon assuming the role of (kick ass - I mean this literally) mentor to her, I've decided to reflect on my Top 5 Super Heroes and their Sidekicks. Because let's face it, at one time or another, an extra pair of hands (or 2 extra pair of paws!) comes in handy.

5) Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee
Imagine how scenic their photo montage must be! Hobbiton, Rivendell, Lothlorien.
Sure Mordor and the Mines of Moria are a bit dour but it's like driving through South Central
to get to Santa Monica - a bonding experience that gives Samwise more chance

to be all protective (in a creepy stalker-ish way) to Frodo
4) Lone Ranger and Tonto
I've always wondered why Lone Ranger had a sidekick.
I mean, his name insinuates that he should be keeping the wild west safe by his LONE-some self.
Maybe his humans made him adopt Tonto...I feel you man, I really do
3) Captain Kirk and Spock
I'd have thought that In a future where we have Universal Translators,
Transporters and Replicators we'd be able to do away with sidekicks.
But Captain Kirk would be lost without Spock. Humans...ever so needy!
2) Han Solo and Chewbacca
I've always had a soft spot for Chewbacca. Misunderstood and a shadow to
Han Solo when he is clearly the brains behind the operation.
Plus he is just so dreamy, that luxurious fur and gorgeous colouring.
I think my coat quite complements his!
1) Batman and Robin
I've always wondered why Batman dressed Robin up in a
red top and green short shorts.Surely this gives him away when they are
trying to blend into the night fighting crime!
I suppose since Robins come and go Batman must have thought he
is easy enough to replace. 
And now:
Vicky and Pepper. The latest super hero and sidekick in Bukit Jelutong.
And like Batman, I think all sidekicks are replaceable (I'm talking to YOU Pepper!)

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Bring It!

So let's see, it's been about 6 months since my last post. I know, I know, I've been very tardy with updating my blog. But since my human's back, a lot of my time is spent keeping her in line - I don't know how she does it without me when she's away.

I celebrated the 3rd anniversary of my joining this household 6 days ago and I sprained my toe about a month back which saw me limping around the house...but wait, those aren't even the biggest news of what's happened in the last 6 months. Oh no, not even close. You see, I've always prided myself on being an exemplary dog, I keep a close watch of the are outside our compound and alert my humans to any strangers lurking about, I keep watch over my human when she naps (although she's also caught me napping during this time...I said exemplary not perfect!),  partake in family activities as long as it doesn't involve me walking on grass. So an all round easy going family dog; so good in fact that my humans decided to...sigh, I can't bring myself to say it but I'll have to: adopt another dog. I know, there really isn't any reward for being good.

Introducing the newest addition to my pack: Pepper
Pepper joined our household about 7 weeks ago. My humans took me to see her before they brought her home and I thought I made my feelings perfectly clear then by refusing to indulge in her playful antics but lo and behold they brought her home 2 weeks after! The pack dynamics have evolved since so I've been trying to figure out where I sit in this new structure. I've therefore appointed myself as my human's second in command - whose duties include but are not limited to: enforcing the rules of the household on Pepper and showing her the ropes. It's hard being middle management, I feel under appreciated at times and the work load can get a bit burdensome (Pepper is a handful!) but I'm really gunning for that big promotion that will see me escalate to being a pack leader!

Get in line newbie. Everybody wants a piece of me!
The newbie's been acting like an apple polishing, over eager intern/new graduate who is after my role (you guys know the type I'm talking about) but like all newcomers, she's been messing up (I mean this figuratively and literally) so I intend to take full advantage of this time - where us, upper and middle management, chill in the house while the new help scurries around guarding the house during the day shift. She's taken it upon herself to act as my mentee but I'm still contemplating if I should take this role up. It is a lot of responsibility and I don't have time as it is (after napping, grooming myself and bone chewing there really aren't that many hours left in the day)...plus once you get to middle management with sights set on being the pack leader, you start looking over your shoulder to see who's coming up behind you with a choke chain.

'Tis a big responsibility taking someone under your wing but like Spiderman said: With great power comes great responsibility. And to Pepper, if you are reading this: Bring It!

Thursday, 5 January 2012

New Year Audit

I know, my blogging attempts last year were shameful. A whole 12 months, 365 days and I only managed 2 entries. To be fair my human was away most of last year so there wasn't anyone to translate my thoughts. I also gained a fair bit of weight which makes doing anything remotely physical tiring - this weight gain thing is a vicious cycle, the bigger you get the less likely you are to do any physical activity. sigh...

Let's do the 2011 audit in numbers then:

4 number of humans currently doting on me at home. My human came back late last year - which was about time as 4 people's unconditional adoration is better than 3.

24 inches. That's how big my chest is now. To put things in perspective, most supermodels have a 24 inch waist. Some may say I'm losing my shape, but honey if it works for those Victoria Secret's angels it will do for me.

A bird's eye view of my newly enhanced chest.
Eat your heart out Katie Price/Jordan/Scary lady with enormous chest and strange nose
2.5 years. The number of years I've spent in this household. How time flies. I've graduated into an indoor dog, got my own corner with my own bed in the TV room, staked out my new sleeping position above the shoe cabinet near the back gate and trained mum to give me daily lunch treats. To think that I spent my first 2 nights here in my human's bathroom to having the run of the house in 2 years. This is equivalent to starting out in the mailroom and becoming CEO of GE in 2 years (ok, maybe 14 years given we need to apply the 7 multiplier when thinking in dog time) - Jack Donaghy would be proud.
Speaking of which...when is 30 Rock coming back on TV?
6 months. This was the number of months my human spent away from me. But with weekly video Skype calls it was like she never left and I still manage to showcase my new tricks to her via Skype. Technology really is amazing. Now if only they make paw friendly keyboards.

3 new tricks. Mum taught me new tricks last year (which explains my ever expanding chest. New tricks = more treats! I don't know what body shape I am but I seem to gain all my weight round the chest area. I suppose most glamour models would wish for this ability).
One of the new tricks I picked up in 2011. Assume Play Position!
1 very happy dog. All in all 2011 was a great year and it had a tremendous end. I spent New Year's Eve on the rooftop with my bed and my blankie. There may have been fireworks going up all around which scares me silly but at least I was with all my humans and a strong pack is a happy pack.
Downward facing dog! Am going to lose weight in 2012 - Year of the Olympics!